Sonntag, 11. Februar 2007


Ok - this is now the 3rd time I try to write this post.. :-( First in Lyngby, at my place, then the Internet just stopped working.. Then yesterday at Krysias Place - called "my home" - then the Internet stopped working.. and now here back in Lyngby - hope the Internet will work this time and will not erase again everything I wrote...

Probably you have noticed that I'm writing in english..! Some people complained that they don't understand a word and translating every word to many people is quite exhausting - so I try it this way.. But a warning: There are probably a lot of mistakes in the following english texts, but you just have to forgive me!

So.. what happened the last few days - or better the last 2 weeks.. I arrived in a horrible accommodation - it still looks like this, just now there is my stuff everywhere - the missing shelfs doesn't make the situation better.. but now there are some orange-felt-flowers on the wall and nice pictures from Australia =)
The people in the residence hall are really nice and kind. Thats the good part about living here - but actually my home is not in Lyngby. My home is in Fredriksberg more close to the center of Copenhagen. It's the place where Krysia lives. She is a lovely girl i met at the language course in Aabenraa. She studies graphic design, but she is more lucky than me - she has a real design school..
Well I often cook with her or go out with her - or sightseeing or just spending time - i really enjoy it.
After leaving all the people in Aabenraa I was really sad. To see her feels a bit like family =)

The school.. Well better I don't think that much about it or write about it because it makes me a bit agressive.. The point is: They want to teach me things I know already since sometimes 7 years, sometimes since 1 year.. so nothing new to learn here..!
Some people know: If I'm not able to work efficiente I get aggressive.. So bad condition =)

But now some good things:
Actually, I went out quite often since I'm here. I met a lot nice people and beside Krysia also Vincenzo and Nico from the language course are now in Copenhagen to study. And because I live in the capital (ok - I live in the middle of nowhere, but the capital is quite close) a lot of people gonna visit me - or the capital ;)
So I'm looking forward to see a lot of the Aabenraa people again. I met already Laura, Francesca and Alessandro - was really nice to see them again =)

Had a lot of nice parties in the last weeks! =) Met a lot of nice people and that's what makes a place to a nice place..

I know people complain already that I hardly never write in my blog *shame on me* but I was hardly not in front of my computer... =)

Something about the last weekend: started with friday: An Erasmus student from Finnland got cards for the VICE party - it was just fashion week in copenhagen! - so free drinks, sometimes real good music, so it was a real good time. Yesterday a bit relaxing.. today again a bit sightseeing: We were in the Dansk Design Center. It's quite small but it was really nice - ate there a Croissant and drunk a coffee... Just having a great time..
After we went with an irish exchange student to Christiania - it kind of a free region in Copenhagen. It's a hippie town and i think there you can bye hash in the coffeehouses and so on - looks really hippie like back in the days ( i guess.. ;)
Was really interesting to see! The bad thing about it: it's sooooooo windy in Denmark! It's not that cold here, but the wind makes the whole weather just terrible cold..
After we went to an irish pub - and at some nice Club Sandwich =)
Now I'm sitting in Lyngby in my room with a cup of Yogi tea and I'm writing some lines - sounds good - doesn't it? =)

1 Kommentar:

chrissele hat gesagt…

i really want to come to denmark again...sophie and i also wanted to see christiania, but our city guide said so many bad things about it, so we were too scared to see it. but hopefully i come back to copenhagen and get there :)
hope you have a nice time!!

ps: i am so used to talk english, i hardly can speak german anymore, so i do understand you a lot :)